I Wonder If Peggy Joseph (The Heart And Soul Of The Obama Cult) Has Returned To The Planet Earth Yet.

“I never thought this day would happen. I won’t have to work on puttin’ gas in my car. I won’t have to work at payin’ my mortgage. You know. If I help him [Obama], he’s gonna help me.”

Well, you helped him “soul sister;” are your troubles kaput?

Most likely not, and the fact of the matter is . . . your problems and your neighbors, probably have gotten worse given an over 10% unemployment rate that is not going to get much better soon according to the Fed Chairman speaking at the New York Economic Club today — “The best thing we can say about the labor market right now is that it may be getting worse more slowly.”

Go Here For Bernanke’s
Words To The New York Economics Club.

4 Responses to “I Wonder If Peggy Joseph (The Heart And Soul Of The Obama Cult) Has Returned To The Planet Earth Yet.”

  1. Godless American Says:

    Huh? Did you just pull your head out of the sand? That must have been where it was from 2001 to 2008.

    • getyourheadoutofthesand Says:

      Godless American says,

      Huh? Did you just pull your head out of the sand? That must have been where it was from 2001 to 2008.

      No, it has been your ilks head that has been in the sand, along with all the other Peggy Josephs since the time of the “something for nothing FDR cult.”

      I don’t appreciate the American Economy being decimated by people like you and your worshipped leaders and destructive agenda. Furthermore how dare you call yourself “Godless,” when you know darn well that you worship at the alter of PC, diversity, perversion, junk-global-warming-science, and every other radical and destructive thought and action ever known to mankind.

  2. Godless American Says:

    I was wrong, your head isn’t in the sand. It’s in the clouds; are you high or something?

  3. thundersky Says:

    You tell him JS lol!


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