Obama & His Fellow Fools Are At It Again — Shoving Substandard Loans Down Bankers Throats

The record clearly shows that the catalyst for the greatest depression since the Great Depression was caused by the Democrats . . . and they’re at it again.

The latest depression never happens if: (1) Barrack Obama and Company does not pressure banks to approve loans to people that don’t qualify. (2) The guarantor of sub-prime loans (federal government agencies invented and controlled by Democrats) didn’t exist. Wall Street would never have bundled the sub-prime loans and sold them as securities if the Federal Government didn’t guarantee them.

Obama wants lenders to make risky loans once more:

President Barack Obama assembled executives from the nation’s twelve largest banks for a face-to-face at the White House Monday morning. The primary objective – to encourage these lenders to loosen their grip on credit for consumers and small businesses.

Bankers snared by the mortgage melt down don’t want the experience repeated with regard to consumer and small business loans.

Bankers say they are facing greater pressure from regulators to increase capital cushions, which means less money for loans, and they also argue that there are fewer creditworthy borrowers these days.

Obama and company! Stay out of the banking business, you people can’t even manage a White House guest list, let alone a vital component of our economy.

Obama summons bankers to the White House to solicit them to be stupid once again. (GO HERE FOR FULL STORY)

6 Responses to “Obama & His Fellow Fools Are At It Again — Shoving Substandard Loans Down Bankers Throats”

  1. getyourheadoutofthesand Says:

    That snow is so cool!

    Maybe it will pile up and totally engulf those Democrats pictured, that are destroying America?

  2. thundersky Says:

    Maybe so. Hello JS, this is Thundersky from B.E. I want to commend you on staying strong while the nuts over there attack you. It may be good to start a thread on SDA as any Catholic does not have a voice over there. (not saying you are catholic but you know)

    Anyway, again I enjoyed your posts and thank you for your kindness.


  3. thundersky Says:

    Good morning JS. I read your newest article and I thought of our Indian tribes and their mishandling of federal dollars. I am going to send you a link to what is happening on our reservation for you only. And maybe this is a area that we overlook when we think of the dollar bill.


  4. thundersky Says:

    JS did you see this one. I am sure you did cause you are one smart guy!


    It is about Barack.

    • getyourheadoutofthesand Says:

      Thanks Thundersky.

      I never saw the link you provided, but it is a good one.

      Frankly, I think Obama is one big fabricated progressive’s lie.

  5. thundersky Says:

    In any scenario, Obama had at least one black parent, and if it is not Obama Sr., who then is it? Obama offers a possible clue in Dreams:

    I was intrigued by old Frank, with his books and whiskey breath and the hint of hard-earned knowledge behind the hooded eyes. The visits to his house always left me feeling vaguely uncomfortable, though, as if I were witnessing some complicated, unspoken transaction between the two men, a transaction I couldn’t fully understand. The same thing I felt whenever Gramps took me downtown to one of his favorite bars, in Honolulu’s red-light district.

    The “Frank” in question is Frank Marshall Davis, a black communist, pornographer and poet who had abandoned Chicago for Hawaii. In “Pop,” it should be noted, the Pop character “recites an old poem just before the reconciliation and reeks of whiskey. Davis would have been in his mid-70’s at the time. Some have theorized that Davis, in fact, is Obama’s father and the “Pop” of the poem. This theory, though tenuous, cannot be ruled out. A grandson can look more like his maternal grandfather than his father. That happens. And then too there is Davis’s Chicago connection.*

    Unspoken transaction is terrifying to read. I guess I have my own interpretation of all this and it being in a red light district. Poor kid. Like when a child is feeling uncomfortable in a situation that says alot I think.

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