Turn Barack Obama Over To A Collection Agency

Obama’s presidential campaign owes the city of Springfield Illinois $55,457, and according to Ernie Slottag, the city’s spokesman, the bill is well over a year old, and attempts to collect what Obama’s posse owes is falling on deaf ears.

“Let’s turn them over to a collection agency,” quipped Ward 3 Ald.Frank Kunz.

“I’m serious,” he said. “If you guys are serious about going after him, turn them over to a collection agency.”

While no aldermen jumped on Kunz’s suggestion, it did lead to a broader discussion: Should the city charge individuals and groups for police coverage for special events?

The DNC has more than enough money to pay this bill, and it should be paid immediately. Perhaps the progressives that are controling the DNC think that the effort to elect their savior should be considered a part of the “collective good,” but I can assure them that the people and institutions that are owed and need the revenues, and are of the real world, are simply thinking . . . “dead beats and crooks the lot of them.”

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