“The Crazies Are In Charge,” So Says GOP Representative, Devin Nunes Of California.

The honorable House of Representative also stated that “these crazies are Sixty’s, Leftists from San Francisco.”

Finally, the GOP is starting to say exactly the way it is, and with their complete repudiation of Obama-care, that was written by San Franciscan radical Leftists decades ago, they can proudly now claim and make the legitimate case that there is truly a difference between them and the Democrats.

The Democrat’s support of the crazy Sixties, dictatorial Leftist’s health-care plan, clearly establishes them as “Marxists” hellbent to put yet another nail in the coffin of the American Republic . . . the most recent nail hammered (using Pelosi’s big gavel) into America’s coffin has bankruptcy written on it — compliments of the San-Franciscan-Sixties crazies.

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