Ground Zero Cross Verses The Ground Zero Mosque . . . It’s Simple; It’s Godly Christian Goodness Verses Ungodly Islamic Evil

Ground Zero Cross

GrouPedestrians walk past the 19th century building on Park Place in Manhattan where Muslims plan to build a mosque and cultural center Saturday, Aug.14, 2010, in New York. President Barack Obama says Muslims have the right to build a mosque near ground zero in New York, but he's not saying whether he thinks it's a good idea to do so. (AP Photo/ Louis Lanzano)nd Zero Mosque

It is an obscenity for Muslims to even think about building a mosque on the blood of our heroes and martyrs; and an even bigger obscenity for any American to let them in the name of tolerance and national security.

Speaking of obscenities . . . what’s in the building of the ground zero mosque for the Fascist mayor Bloomberg . . . time will tell. Bloomberg needs to switch parties. Bloomberg is just another Arlene Specter and hopefully the GOP will be rid of him soon also. But in all fairness to the liberal Alene Specter, I don’t think he would even go as far as to be a useful idiot to the cultural jihad that is being waged by the “moderate Muslims,” which is every bit as pernicious as the Muslims violent jihad.

Make no mistake about it, Muslims (whether they be violent or cultural jihadists) want to replace the cultural traditions of Christendom with Sharia. For the uninitiated, Sharia is the code of law derived from the Koran and from the teachings and example of Mohammad.

It’s true that most Muslims don’t use violence to spread their unGodly faith throughout the world, and as long as their “numbers stay low” they won’t posse much of a threat to our superior way of life that Christendom made possible. However, the Cordoba mosque, the name that the cultural Muslim jihadists want to call the ground zero mosque, is a giant step towards the destruction of America in the name of Allah and his prophet Mohammad.

The name chosen for the ground zero mosque (Cordoba), is not some random innocuous choice by the Muslim cultural jihadists. For the uninitiated, The great mosque of Cordoba was the Mecca of the West under Muslim rule. The mosque, located in Cordoba Spain, dates back to 785 when Abd ar-Rahhman I founded the the mosque on the site of an ancient Visigothic church which had originally been the site of a Roman temple. The mosque was built using materials pilfered from Roman ruins and Christian churches after the Muslim conquest of Spain. The ground zero mosque will be named the Cordoba mosque to recall the great Muslim conquest of the west. Muslim violent jihadists provided the Muslim cultural jihadists the means for a great mosque to arise from the destruction of the infidels land and buildings in Europe . . . and in short, the destruction of the Twin Towers and the subsequent building of a mosque so close to the site will broadcast to the Muslim world that great victories for all Muslims is achieved by Muslim violent jihad.

Anything that is even remotely linked to the following has no place near the sacred ground were the blood of our American heroes and martyrs was shed and where the ground zero cross was found . . .

Americans jumping from World Trade Towers. Either jump to your death or be burned alive --- a choice that had to be made because of the actions of Muslims.

5 Responses to “Ground Zero Cross Verses The Ground Zero Mosque . . . It’s Simple; It’s Godly Christian Goodness Verses Ungodly Islamic Evil”

  1. Guera Says:


    “Ask them for their help. Thereby make the religion of Islam agreeable to them. And when you are resolved in the matter of religion, concerning fighting your enemy you will have the advantage.”

    sorry to sully your site with this tripe, but I think most Americans have no idea what the Islamic intent is…God help us all!

    • getyourheadoutofthesand Says:

      I watched the ground zero imam, Rauf, field soft balls from The Council of Foreign Relations on C-Span last night. His modus operendi was exactly as you describe in Ishaq: 398. He actually had the nerve to say that Sharia preached freedom of religion centuries before Thomas Jefferson established it first in Virginia and then in the US constitution. He also stated that Sharia law is almost identical to the USA’s rule of law.

      He attempts to sell these lies because he knows secular Americans don’t care and ignorant Americans, well, they’re just ignorant. We are in a war with Islam on many different fronts; and to many Americans don’t even realize how complex the war is. First the antiChrist had his Muslim hoards pour out of the Arabian Peninsula hellbent on using jihad to conquer Christendom . . . now he is using violent jihad and cultural jihad to destroy and colonize Christendom.

      “May the God of Abraham and His Son Christ Jesus help us all,” indeed!

      Great comment . . . thanks for the info Guera.

  2. Guera Says:

    hello J,

    Just wondering if you have seen the information regarding the Flight 93 memorial…I just came across it the other day, really unbelieveable what these Islamic creeps are doing…can’t understand why this has not been included in all the Ground Zero protests and articles…will try to find a link and post it…I was totally shocked and hadn’t heard anything about it until recently…very sad…

  3. Lisa D. Says:

    Muslims are not the problem, islamics are.
    I am not convinced there are responsible for the 9/11 attacks, however they are and will be a problem for the whole world.
    If third world misery increases, so will islamization … because religion gives those poor people a reason to live, unfortunately not the right one.

    I have nothing against muslims, I just can’t stand islamics, or extremists of any kind. My father was almost killed in Algeria (about 15 years ago) by what is now called the “aqmi” (a branch of al-Qaida), so I “know” what I’m talking about.

    But please people, do not judge too quickly, anger is too easy…

    Lisa (from France)

  4. Anonymous Says:

    Wow…you’re an idiot.

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