What Other “Worst-Case Scenarios” Are Being Blocked And Spun By The Obama White House

WASHINGTON — The White House blocked efforts by federal scientists to tell the public just how bad the Gulf oil spill could have been, according to a panel appointed by President Barack Obama to investigate the worst offshore oil spill in U.S. history.


What other worst-case scenarios are being blocked or spun by the Obama White House: . . .

(1) The true unemployment rate is more like 20% instead of 9.5%. (FULL STORY HERE).

(2) President Obama criticized President Bush for running excessively large deficits. Obama would run budget deficits averaging 3.9 percent of GDP, nearly twice as large as Bush’s deficits.

And these deficits would not be due to a lack of taxes. President Obama’s budget projects average tax collections of 18.7 percent of GDP versus 17.9 percent during the Bush years, a difference that adds up to $1.3 trillion in extra revenues over 10 years


(3) The list of Obama-care waivers are growing exponentially:

McDonald’s and 29 other firms get health care coverage waivers. Without the waivers the people working for these firms would “loss the insurance they’ve got.” Is your firm going to get an exemption, or are you going to “loss the insurance you got?”

“The big political issue here is the president promised no one would lose the coverage they’ve got,” says Robert Laszewski, chief executive officer of consulting company Health Policy and Strategy Associates. “Here we are a month before the election, and these companies represent 1 million people who would lose the coverage they’ve got.”


I could go on and on here, but I’ll end with this . . . “everything a Marxist gets his or her hands on is destroyed . . . all in the name of social justice and unGodly egalitarianism.” The only thing that makes us equal is our judgement by Almighty God at the appointed hour.

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