Keep Walking You Fat, Dumpy, Stupid, Ugly, Leftist, Hard To “View” Hogs.

Muslims did attack America on 9/11/2001; and Muslim aggression is involved in most every war on the planet.

Furthermore, I suspect the main reason ugly Joy and really ugly Whoopi walked off, was because chicken wings fried in Crisco were waiting back stage.

Hint: Fat people, understand, moo moos and the color black do not make you look slim . . . discipline and pride makes you look slim.

One Response to “Keep Walking You Fat, Dumpy, Stupid, Ugly, Leftist, Hard To “View” Hogs.”

  1. Ranbaxy Says:

    Bill O’reilly says “Muslims” killed Americans on 9/11; the left says “terrorists” killed Americans on 9/11. Bill O’reiily is one thousand times more accurate by saying Muslims killed Americans.

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