***Update 11/25/2010: “The Catholic-Church-Of-Christ Holidays” Begin!*** The Real First Thanksgiving: A Catholic Mass In 1565 Florida . . . And It Had Nothing To Do With Protesting Pilgrims Fleeing From Other Protesting Englishmen . . .


The Obligatory Turkey-Ham-Swiss-Midnight-Sandwich With Sausage Stuffing And Black Olives

I officially designate on this blog from Thanksgiving to the Feast of the Epiphany (January 6th): The Catholic-Church-Of-Christ Holidays.

Without Christ and His Church, there is no Western Civilization; there is no America. My very existence as a person, a part of a superior nation and part of a superior civilization will be rejoiced and celebrated by me on this blog . . . it all starts today with the Catholic First Thanksgiving . . . it grows in power, majesty and glory, every day until the very nascence of being and time is celebrated with the birth of Jesus The Christ and onward to the Feast of the Epiphany.

It’s all good in all it’s forms . . . the pictorial begins. Happy Catholic-Church-Of-Christ-Holidays.


.  . . the first Thanksgiving had to do with 1565 Florida, Catholic Spaniards and Native Americans.

Squanto was the Native American man who mediated between the Puritan Pilgrims and the Native Americans. Squanto had been enslaved by Protestant English but he was freed by Catholic Spanish Franciscans. Squanto was baptzed and became a Catholic Christian. So it was a baptized Catholic Native American who orchestrated what became known as Thanksgiving even in 1621.

Christ and the Holy Spirit leads us to the Father in our liturgical life of thanksgiving and praise.

“Because the loaf of bread is one, we, though many, are one body (Christ’s Church), for we all partake of the one loaf” One Corinthians 10:17 ‘

Don’t forget that in addition to PETITION, CONTRITION, and ADORATION, the fourth valid type of prayer is APPRECIATION (thanksgiving). The best way to express thanks is the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass whereby the Holy Eucharist is made present by the Priest on the altar. The Greek word for ‘giving thanks’ is the root word (eukaristein) eukaristein) for EUCHARIST. Although not a Holyday of obligation, Catholic Americans should go to Mass on Thanksgiving BEFORE indulging in food and football.


2 Responses to “***Update 11/25/2010: “The Catholic-Church-Of-Christ Holidays” Begin!*** The Real First Thanksgiving: A Catholic Mass In 1565 Florida . . . And It Had Nothing To Do With Protesting Pilgrims Fleeing From Other Protesting Englishmen . . .”

  1. MoonPhase Says:

    What makes you think anyone cares about what you believe or eat?

    • getyourheadoutofthesand Says:

      Obviously, you do, you little snot. You care enough to wipe your little booger self on my blog.

      Here! This should help temper your troubled soul . . . I figure this is about your speed, MoonPhase.

      “MoonPhase!” . . . “Ahahahaha!” . . . “MOONPHASE!” . . . “AHAHAHA!”

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