“Anthony Weiner Looks Like A Dick . . . All Jewish Men Have Dicks That Look Like Weiner”

So said Chelsea Handler during a recent episode of her E Channel program . . . “Chelsea Lately.”

Thus far I have not heard one word of outrageous indignation from any politically correct entity or structured Jewish organization looking for anti Semites in every corner.

The reason the silence is deafening is because Chelsea is one of their own, which proves that in no way shape or form do Jewish Organizations believe these kinds of comments takes us closer to another Holocaust. If they did they would be all over idiocies such as these no matter who states them. Can you imagine the out cry if a known Republican comedian said such a thing.

How bad could Chelsea be, given the fact that she’s a blond white woman that dates large Black men and brags about their testicles bouncing off of her face . . . man that’s the equivalent of earning an Eagle Scout’s badge of honor in the perverse world of the left. Nothing says “I’m not a racist” more than going down on “Fitty Scent.”

One Response to ““Anthony Weiner Looks Like A Dick . . . All Jewish Men Have Dicks That Look Like Weiner””

  1. Glenmont Says:

    I must ashamedly admit that I watch this program from time to
    time based upon its shock value.
    I suspect that her flights flying under the radar are numbered

    Comments such as these will eventually turn off even the most thick skinned individuals. A turned off viewer turns off their TV .

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