“First Let Me Wish All Iowans A “Merry Christmas” And A Blessed “Christmas Season.” — Newt Gingrich Speaking At The Last Iowan GOP Debate — My Christmas 2011

90 foot Vatican Christmas Tree with Saint Peter's in the back ground

This was the first time I have ever heard these profoundly spoken words uttered by a politician. It’s usually called the holiday season so a few Jews, atheists, Kwanzaa followers and Muslims can be mollified, and one of the oppressive tenets of the evil religion of political correctness can be abided by.

Newt is a converted Roman Catholic (as was Einstein) and deserves my vote  for his conversion alone shows a superior intellect. Romney is a long time member of a wounded cult like church and should know by now that Catholicism is the church started by Christ and not some thieving maniac as was his church.

My Christmas 2011 pictorial is on its way


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