Archive for the ‘Barrack Obama’ Category

More Questions About Barrack Obama’s Birth Certificate

April 27, 2011

Barrack Obama’s birth-certificate-long-form

Why was the mother’s address left blank? — One would think that a mother with a newborn would have her living arrangements made for the near future. Very strange indeed, even for a radical Marxist such as Ann.

Who is (Stanley)? — Line 18a asks for the signature of the parent or informant. Stanley is written in parentheses and there is a signature of a Ann Duhnum Obama.

Someone in the media needs to have the guts to ask these questions. Maybe Trump will lead the way once more.

The Donald is starting to grow on me.

I’ve Said It For Years . . . “Liberals (Leftists) Are Mentally Ill And Wired Wrong.” . . . It Seems there Is Proof!

October 31, 2010

Before voting for any Democrat keep the following in mind about those that control this party lock stock and barrel.

“Like spoiled, angry children, they rebel against the normal responsibilities of adulthood and demand that a parental government meet their needs from cradle to grave.”

“Based on strikingly irrational beliefs and emotions, modern liberals relentlessly undermine the most important principles on which our freedoms were founded.”

the kind of liberalism being displayed by both Barack Obama and his Democratic primary opponent Hillary Clinton can only be understood as a psychological disorder.

“A social scientist who understands human nature will not dismiss the vital roles of free choice, voluntary cooperation and moral integrity – as liberals do,” he says. “A political leader who understands human nature will not ignore individual differences in talent, drive, personal appeal and work ethic, and then try to impose economic and social equality on the population – as liberals do. And a legislator who understands human nature will not create an environment of rules which over-regulates and over-taxes the nation’s citizens, corrupts their character and reduces them to wards of the state – as liberals do.”

Dr. Rossiter says the liberal agenda preys on weakness and feelings of inferiority in the population by:

creating and reinforcing perceptions of victimization;
satisfying infantile claims to entitlement, indulgence and compensation;
augmenting primitive feelings of envy;
rejecting the sovereignty of the individual, subordinating him to the will of the government.


A further break through concerning the diseased liberal mind:

“research suggests that some people have an inherent bias against conservative thinking, that is independent of their education or upbringing.

The effect is caused by a neurotransmitter in the brain called DRD4 which could be stimulated by the “novelty value” of left of centre opinions, say US researchers.”

In other words, being contrary for the sake of being contrary; being different simply for the sake of being different. Marx and Engle’s entire being was based on simply being deadly different . . . you’ve reaped what you have sowed America . . . Rightminded people, start Tuesday and push these mental deficient back into their padded rooms and never give them power. RUN TO THE POLLS; DON’T WALK!


(Part One) Let’s Take A Gander At Some Of The Things That The Man Who Fired Juan Williams Said . . .

October 21, 2010

George Soros said:

“I have always harboured an exaggerated view of my self-importance. To put it bluntly, I fancied myself as some kind of god or an economic reformer like Keynes, or, even better, like Einstein.”

furthermore he said:

“As I made my way in the world, reality came close enough to my fantasy to allow me to admit my secret, at least to myself. Needless to say, I feel much happier as a result.’” (Stephen Fay, “Profile: George Soros: God Of All He Surveys,” The Independent [London], 5/17/98)

One of the ways Soros made his way through the world was to collaborate with Nazis to turn over fellow Jews.

“He [Soros] admits to what Kaufman calls ‘messianic’ ideals: ‘I have had these illusions, or perhaps delusions, of grandeur and they have driven me.’ He has also said that his ‘goal is to become the conscience of the world.’” (Anthony Gottlieb, “Who Wants To Be A Billionaire?” The New York Times, 3/3/02)

“So That’s What I’m All About. I Am A Kind Of Nut Who Wants To Have An Impact.” (Michael T. Kaufman, Soros: The Life And Times Of A Messianic Billionaire, 2002, p. 293)

“Hijacking fully fueled airliners and using them as suicide bombs was an audacious idea, and its execution could not have been more spectacular.” (George Soros, “The Bubble Of American Supremacy,” The Atlantic Monthly, 12/03)

“An alternative U.S. foreign policy would differ from the present one in much more than being multilateral rather than unilateral. It would involve a radical reordering of our priorities. Instead of devoting the bulk of the budget to military expenditures to implement the Bush doctrine, we would engage in preventive actions of a constructive nature. This would require incomparably smaller budgetary expenditures, leaving room for greater domestic spending within a balanced budget. After all, it would be unacceptable to increase foreign aid without a comparable improvement in social benefits at home.” (George Soros, The Bubble Of American Supremacy, 2004, pp. 123-124)

In short, America, pull your shorts down, lubricate if you got it, bend over, hold your ankles, cut the defense budget and let China, Russia, Islamo-Fascists and any other nut job nation have it’s way with you.

“I’ve come to the conclusion,’ Soros told Fortune, ‘that one can do a lot more about the issues I care about by changing the government than by pushing the issues.” In short, he has become the world’s angriest billionaire.” Mark Gimein, “George Soros Is Mad As Hell,” Fortune, 10/27/03)

If you’re sitting on a plane waiting for all passengers to board, and these two Fascist get on . . . you wouldn’t be frightened?

I’m far from a Juan Williams fan, but no one deserves to be fired for speaking their mind, but Stalinists do what they do and ruthlessly purge their own. Juan had hurt and betrayal in his eyes . . . we need to work on him, maybe he’ll move right and realize conservatives are kinder more gentle fokes.

Keep Walking You Fat, Dumpy, Stupid, Ugly, Leftist, Hard To “View” Hogs.

October 14, 2010

Muslims did attack America on 9/11/2001; and Muslim aggression is involved in most every war on the planet.

Furthermore, I suspect the main reason ugly Joy and really ugly Whoopi walked off, was because chicken wings fried in Crisco were waiting back stage.

Hint: Fat people, understand, moo moos and the color black do not make you look slim . . . discipline and pride makes you look slim.

I’m Supposed To Believe That This Wretched Political Thug Fixer (Rahm Emanuel) Is Not A Homo

October 13, 2010

Charming Man That Ran Obama's White House Staff

I suspect Rahm’s uncontrollable homosexual perversion is the reason for his vile personality and foul mouth. Moreover, I believe his homosexual dalliances are the reason for his abrupt resignation as Obama’s Chief of Staff . . . time will tell.

What Other “Worst-Case Scenarios” Are Being Blocked And Spun By The Obama White House

October 8, 2010

WASHINGTON — The White House blocked efforts by federal scientists to tell the public just how bad the Gulf oil spill could have been, according to a panel appointed by President Barack Obama to investigate the worst offshore oil spill in U.S. history.


What other worst-case scenarios are being blocked or spun by the Obama White House: . . .

(1) The true unemployment rate is more like 20% instead of 9.5%. (FULL STORY HERE).

(2) President Obama criticized President Bush for running excessively large deficits. Obama would run budget deficits averaging 3.9 percent of GDP, nearly twice as large as Bush’s deficits.

And these deficits would not be due to a lack of taxes. President Obama’s budget projects average tax collections of 18.7 percent of GDP versus 17.9 percent during the Bush years, a difference that adds up to $1.3 trillion in extra revenues over 10 years


(3) The list of Obama-care waivers are growing exponentially:

McDonald’s and 29 other firms get health care coverage waivers. Without the waivers the people working for these firms would “loss the insurance they’ve got.” Is your firm going to get an exemption, or are you going to “loss the insurance you got?”

“The big political issue here is the president promised no one would lose the coverage they’ve got,” says Robert Laszewski, chief executive officer of consulting company Health Policy and Strategy Associates. “Here we are a month before the election, and these companies represent 1 million people who would lose the coverage they’ve got.”


I could go on and on here, but I’ll end with this . . . “everything a Marxist gets his or her hands on is destroyed . . . all in the name of social justice and unGodly egalitarianism.” The only thing that makes us equal is our judgement by Almighty God at the appointed hour.

Ground Zero Cross Verses The Ground Zero Mosque . . . It’s Simple; It’s Godly Christian Goodness Verses Ungodly Islamic Evil

September 14, 2010

Ground Zero Cross

GrouPedestrians walk past the 19th century building on Park Place in Manhattan where Muslims plan to build a mosque and cultural center Saturday, Aug.14, 2010, in New York. President Barack Obama says Muslims have the right to build a mosque near ground zero in New York, but he's not saying whether he thinks it's a good idea to do so. (AP Photo/ Louis Lanzano)nd Zero Mosque

It is an obscenity for Muslims to even think about building a mosque on the blood of our heroes and martyrs; and an even bigger obscenity for any American to let them in the name of tolerance and national security.

Speaking of obscenities . . . what’s in the building of the ground zero mosque for the Fascist mayor Bloomberg . . . time will tell. Bloomberg needs to switch parties. Bloomberg is just another Arlene Specter and hopefully the GOP will be rid of him soon also. But in all fairness to the liberal Alene Specter, I don’t think he would even go as far as to be a useful idiot to the cultural jihad that is being waged by the “moderate Muslims,” which is every bit as pernicious as the Muslims violent jihad.

Make no mistake about it, Muslims (whether they be violent or cultural jihadists) want to replace the cultural traditions of Christendom with Sharia. For the uninitiated, Sharia is the code of law derived from the Koran and from the teachings and example of Mohammad.

It’s true that most Muslims don’t use violence to spread their unGodly faith throughout the world, and as long as their “numbers stay low” they won’t posse much of a threat to our superior way of life that Christendom made possible. However, the Cordoba mosque, the name that the cultural Muslim jihadists want to call the ground zero mosque, is a giant step towards the destruction of America in the name of Allah and his prophet Mohammad.

The name chosen for the ground zero mosque (Cordoba), is not some random innocuous choice by the Muslim cultural jihadists. For the uninitiated, The great mosque of Cordoba was the Mecca of the West under Muslim rule. The mosque, located in Cordoba Spain, dates back to 785 when Abd ar-Rahhman I founded the the mosque on the site of an ancient Visigothic church which had originally been the site of a Roman temple. The mosque was built using materials pilfered from Roman ruins and Christian churches after the Muslim conquest of Spain. The ground zero mosque will be named the Cordoba mosque to recall the great Muslim conquest of the west. Muslim violent jihadists provided the Muslim cultural jihadists the means for a great mosque to arise from the destruction of the infidels land and buildings in Europe . . . and in short, the destruction of the Twin Towers and the subsequent building of a mosque so close to the site will broadcast to the Muslim world that great victories for all Muslims is achieved by Muslim violent jihad.

Anything that is even remotely linked to the following has no place near the sacred ground were the blood of our American heroes and martyrs was shed and where the ground zero cross was found . . .

Americans jumping from World Trade Towers. Either jump to your death or be burned alive --- a choice that had to be made because of the actions of Muslims.

Could A Ground Zero Mosque One Day Be Used As A Storage Facility For An Islamic Terrorist Weapons Cache?

September 8, 2010

There’s an old saying in psychology that has substantial evidence to back it up:

“The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior.”

Past behavior does indeed give us a glimpse into the likelihood of what the future may look like. It can be very difficult for people to change. As the saying goes, “It is what it is.” And quite often, we are who we are – or maybe better said, “We are who we have been.”

An Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) has captured images of Hezbollah terrorist transporting weaponry to a mosque in Nabatieh, a town in central Lebanon.

The mosque is known to the IDF as a Hezbollah facility that is used by the guerrilla organization for various, including military, activities. The assessment within the IDF’s Northern Command is that the weaponry was transferred north of the Litani River – where UNIFIL’s mandate ends – to prevent the peacekeeping forces from detecting the violation


The imam that is trying to establish the ground zero mosque does not recognise Hezbollah as a terrorist organization. He has made it clear by the words he has spoken, and more revealing by the words he has not, that America shares responsibility for the Islamic terrorist attack of 9/11. Moreover, Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf and his wife Daisy (Daisy?) want to establish Sharia Law in the United States of America. Given the two factors above . . . is it that far fetched and far reaching to believe that one day the mosques of America could be used as facilities to store weapons caches just like the mosques in Lebanon. Afterall, imams like Rauf blame Israel for the Islamic terrorist attacks, and imams like Rauf want Sharia Law to be practised in Israel . . .

“The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior” . . . Indeed!

***Update 9/17/2010***Never Mind — The “Really” Crazy White Woman Threw Acid In Her Own Face***Update 9/12/2010 Sketch Of The Black Woman That Threw Acid In The Face Of A White Woman***White Woman Gets Acid Thrown In Her Face By A Black Woman & Not One Word From The Media That It Could Have Been A Hate Crime

September 7, 2010

GO HERE to read about the poor devils hoax.

Police are hunting down a crazy black woman in her late twenties or early thirties that threw acid in an innocent white woman’s face.

The victim, Bethany Storro, about her attacker, who struck in Vancouver, Washington, said:

“I have never, ever seen this girl in my entire life. When I first saw her, she had this weirdness about her – like jealousy, rage.”

. . . and then the crazy black woman said . . .

“Hey pretty girl, do you want to drink this?.”

. . . and then threw acid in her face.

If this would have been a white woman throwing acid on a black woman, the piss ant members of the media would have endlessly reported that it was a hate crime with much less evidence than the mad woman shouting . . . “hey pretty girl,” before throwing acid in her victims face. Anyone with half a brain knows that if the races had been reversed, the media coverage at all levels would have been nonstop for months on end. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton’s faces would be on TV expressing their outrage day and night. Obama probably would have weighed in and told America how much more was needed with regard to race relations.

What this mad black woman shouted and who she picked for her victim is a clear indicator that the attack was racially motivated. At the very least the media should have stated that the crime could have been a hate crime.

Why are media blackouts on black-on-white hate crimes the norm? To understand why you have to understand the Marxist mind set.

Marxists see the human condition in terms of being made up of victims and victim-izers. The legacy of slavery in America where only two percent of whites ever owned slaves, in perpetuity makes blacks the victims and whites the victim-izers. The media refuses to report black on white hate crimes because it goes against one of the central dogmas of social Marxism which is political correctness. A crazy, jealous black woman displaying violent rage and anger at some pretty white woman can be excused because the white woman is one of the victim-izers, in the perverse mind of the Marxist.

In truth, the federal government’s own crime statistics reveal that 90 percent of all violent interracial crimes are committed by blacks on whites. Given that blacks only constitute about 13 percent of the population, a black person is 50 times more likely than a white person to commit a violent interracial crime. Common sense would dictate that many of these interracial crimes are hate crimes . . . however, when is the last time the media reported one as such?

I Thought The Obama Family Was As Close As Ward, June, Wally and The Beaver Cleaver Family?

August 5, 2010