Archive for the ‘Barrack Obama’ Category

Tea Party Members Screaming The N-Word At Congressmen; And George “W” Bush Wiping His Hand On Clinton’s Shirt (After Shaking Hands With Haitians) Are Both Radical Marxist Lies

March 25, 2010

GO HERE to see the despicable tactics of the Left . . . they try to turn an innocent pat on the shoulder into a racist gesture.

Tea Party Members and other sane Americans, don’t let the Left’s history of unGodly race baiting and the planting of saboteurs destroy your patriotic enthusiasm and message. The link provided above shows the depth of their unGodly tactics designed to destroy this nation cloaked and peddled under the guise of “social justice.” . . . DON’T FALL FOR IT!

“The Crazies Are In Charge,” So Says GOP Representative, Devin Nunes Of California.

March 21, 2010

The honorable House of Representative also stated that “these crazies are Sixty’s, Leftists from San Francisco.”

Finally, the GOP is starting to say exactly the way it is, and with their complete repudiation of Obama-care, that was written by San Franciscan radical Leftists decades ago, they can proudly now claim and make the legitimate case that there is truly a difference between them and the Democrats.

The Democrat’s support of the crazy Sixties, dictatorial Leftist’s health-care plan, clearly establishes them as “Marxists” hellbent to put yet another nail in the coffin of the American Republic . . . the most recent nail hammered (using Pelosi’s big gavel) into America’s coffin has bankruptcy written on it — compliments of the San-Franciscan-Sixties crazies.

Obama Is Anti Semitic?

March 18, 2010

Left to right, the “anti-Semite, racist, bigot bomb throwers” are: Andy Young, Terry Coleman, Jimmy Carter (sitting), Tyrone Brooks, George Israel, Sonny Perdue.

“Obama is anti Semitic,” so says Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s brother-in-law.

In an interview with Israel Army Radio on Wednesday, Hagai Ben Artzi, the brother of Netanyahu’s wife Sara, reportedly said: “it needs to be said clearly and simply: There is an anti-Semitic president in the US. It’s not that Obama doesn’t sympathize with [Mr. Netanyahu]. He doesn’t sympathize with the people of Israel.”

I understand a person claiming that Obama could be anti-Israeli based on some of his thoughts regarding Israel Palestinian issues, and his do nothing attitude concerning Iran, but claiming him to be an anti-Semite is the claim of a man that is intellectually spent . . . an anti-Semitic president would not place Jews in so many positions of influence within his administration.

I think the following within the body of the article I linked, also explains those on both sides of the fringe, ideological fence that are quick to throw the anti-Semitic bomb, or for that matter the racist and bigot bombs as well.

“The problem with the extremist right groups,” he says (Mr. Barak), “is that they can’t recognize anyone that doesn’t shares the opinions of their own group.”

Truly, the tactics of the marginal weak minded.

The Obama Administration Is Going To “Ax” A Thing Or Two

February 23, 2010

The only reason I bring it up is based on the precept of . . . “what would the MsM have done if George Bush would have made such a pronunciation mistake?”

Turn Barack Obama Over To A Collection Agency

February 9, 2010

Obama’s presidential campaign owes the city of Springfield Illinois $55,457, and according to Ernie Slottag, the city’s spokesman, the bill is well over a year old, and attempts to collect what Obama’s posse owes is falling on deaf ears.

“Let’s turn them over to a collection agency,” quipped Ward 3 Ald.Frank Kunz.

“I’m serious,” he said. “If you guys are serious about going after him, turn them over to a collection agency.”

While no aldermen jumped on Kunz’s suggestion, it did lead to a broader discussion: Should the city charge individuals and groups for police coverage for special events?

The DNC has more than enough money to pay this bill, and it should be paid immediately. Perhaps the progressives that are controling the DNC think that the effort to elect their savior should be considered a part of the “collective good,” but I can assure them that the people and institutions that are owed and need the revenues, and are of the real world, are simply thinking . . . “dead beats and crooks the lot of them.”

Barack Obama, Just Like Gomer Pyle, Has A Problem With The Pronunciation Of The Word Corps ***Post Update: 7:45 2/6/2010***

February 6, 2010

Post Update: 7:45 2/6/2010

I found the following on Andrew Breitbart’s, Big Journalism Blog. It was written by the Editor and Chief, Michael Walsh:

Surely, the White House has someone on the staff who can teach the President how to pronounce the word “corpsman.” It would also be great if someone in media knew what a corpsman is, but the Harvard-educated press’s knowledge of anything having to do with the military is limited to the phrases ”baby killers” and “exit strategy,” so there’s probably not much hope there.

And maybe somebody else could point out that the Haitian Creole word for America — transliterated here as “Etazini,” but more commonly spelled “Zetazini”– is derived the French les États-Unis, and not from an Italian recipe for stuffed pasta shells.


In my opinion, Obama's misspeak is far from innocuous. It is a revealing look-see into the mind of a middle aged man that has a glaring deficiency with regard to the American military.

How many times did the words Marine Corps reach his ears during his life time? . . . Hundreds of time, no doubt. But the words went in one ear and out the other, because Obama has the mind of a radical Marxist community organizer, and there is scant room in that mind for an interest (let alone a true knowledge of what their real mission is) in all the military corps in America.

Barack Obama, the Commander and Chief of all the military "corpses." "Gaw-aw-lee!" "Shazam!"

Obama . . . The Tax Man . . . Tax Man . . . Tax Man . . . Ta Ta Ta Tax Man

January 25, 2010

President Obama Heckled At Coakley Rally; And Can’t Fill The Room At A Massachusetts University

January 18, 2010

First the hecklers:

Now for the report that President Obama can’t fill a hall:

I am of the opinion that Democrats are hurt no matter what happens in the Massachusetts special, senatorial election. The mere fact that the race is so close portends the problems ahead for the DNC.

Obama & His Fellow Fools Are At It Again — Shoving Substandard Loans Down Bankers Throats

December 17, 2009

The record clearly shows that the catalyst for the greatest depression since the Great Depression was caused by the Democrats . . . and they’re at it again.

The latest depression never happens if: (1) Barrack Obama and Company does not pressure banks to approve loans to people that don’t qualify. (2) The guarantor of sub-prime loans (federal government agencies invented and controlled by Democrats) didn’t exist. Wall Street would never have bundled the sub-prime loans and sold them as securities if the Federal Government didn’t guarantee them.

Obama wants lenders to make risky loans once more:

President Barack Obama assembled executives from the nation’s twelve largest banks for a face-to-face at the White House Monday morning. The primary objective – to encourage these lenders to loosen their grip on credit for consumers and small businesses.

Bankers snared by the mortgage melt down don’t want the experience repeated with regard to consumer and small business loans.

Bankers say they are facing greater pressure from regulators to increase capital cushions, which means less money for loans, and they also argue that there are fewer creditworthy borrowers these days.

Obama and company! Stay out of the banking business, you people can’t even manage a White House guest list, let alone a vital component of our economy.

Obama summons bankers to the White House to solicit them to be stupid once again. (GO HERE FOR FULL STORY)

Angelina Jolie Just Got Exponentially More Attractive — She’s Not A Fan Of Obama

November 27, 2009

Actually, saying Angelina is not a fan of President Obama is an understatement. According to a source close to the U.N. goodwill ambassador, Angelina, 34, “hates Obama.”

If true it certainly makes sense, given the fact that:

“She’s into education and rehabilitation and thinks Obama is all about welfare and handouts. She thinks Obama is really a socialist in disguise.”

Angelina is into education and rehabilitation; Obama is into socialism; and rounding things off, Brad Pitt thinks gay marriage and pot are good while religion is bad . . . deep Brad, deep . . . and just think, it only took Brad 45 years to get so deep.

Go Here For The Complete US Story.

Seriously, yesterday, do you think Angelina had a big piece of pumpkin pie with whipped cream all over it? How about the absolutely obligatory turkey sandwich with mayo at around 9:30 PM during a DVD intermission?