Archive for the ‘Media’ Category

“Anthony Weiner Looks Like A Dick . . . All Jewish Men Have Dicks That Look Like Weiner”

June 13, 2011

So said Chelsea Handler during a recent episode of her E Channel program . . . “Chelsea Lately.”

Thus far I have not heard one word of outrageous indignation from any politically correct entity or structured Jewish organization looking for anti Semites in every corner.

The reason the silence is deafening is because Chelsea is one of their own, which proves that in no way shape or form do Jewish Organizations believe these kinds of comments takes us closer to another Holocaust. If they did they would be all over idiocies such as these no matter who states them. Can you imagine the out cry if a known Republican comedian said such a thing.

How bad could Chelsea be, given the fact that she’s a blond white woman that dates large Black men and brags about their testicles bouncing off of her face . . . man that’s the equivalent of earning an Eagle Scout’s badge of honor in the perverse world of the left. Nothing says “I’m not a racist” more than going down on “Fitty Scent.”

More Questions About Barrack Obama’s Birth Certificate

April 27, 2011

Barrack Obama’s birth-certificate-long-form

Why was the mother’s address left blank? — One would think that a mother with a newborn would have her living arrangements made for the near future. Very strange indeed, even for a radical Marxist such as Ann.

Who is (Stanley)? — Line 18a asks for the signature of the parent or informant. Stanley is written in parentheses and there is a signature of a Ann Duhnum Obama.

Someone in the media needs to have the guts to ask these questions. Maybe Trump will lead the way once more.

The Donald is starting to grow on me.

“Larry King Is So Old, He’s Actually One Of The Jews That Killed Christ!”

March 20, 2011

Larry The Felon

This particular line got one of the biggest laughs at the recent Donald Trump Celebrity Roast on Comedy Central. I have no idea who the comedian was that delivered the line and it really makes no difference. The only thing that does matter and is germane to the Easter Season is that — the best and funniest jokes are the ones that have an element of truth to them.

To deny that Jews were at the root of Christ’s death is to deny the Scriptures; the Crucifixion; the Resurrection and Christianity itself . . . a denial based on intellectual cowardice and political correctness. Any one that has actually read and studied the New Testament knows that the power base of Herod-Edom-Jewry tried on several occasions to kill Christ. Anyone that has an iota of knowledge about the New Testament knows that Christ’s Hebrew Apostles hide from the Herod-Edom-Jews out of fear for their lives.

What is ironic about the Larry King joke above and my explanation is that the very same explanation was proffered by a group of religious experts including notable Rabbis, and Dennis Prager on one of the episodes of The Larry King Live TV program. Of course the morally and intellectually corrupt Larry King thought that the Scriptures should not be repeated out of fear of perpetuating anti-Semitism. Dennis Prager and a famous Rabi thought that such a contention and a denial of who exactly killed Christ was intellectual fraud and hurt relationships between Christians and Jews. The truth of the matter is that “a few” powerful Herod-Edom-Jews, whose fortunes were threatened by Christ’s Ministry orchestrated and facilitated the public execution of Jesus Christ.

Are all Jews from the time of Christ’s murder responsible? . . . of course not. No one in their right Christian mind that knows anything about Christ’s Ministry thinks such a thing. The fact of the matter is, most of the original Christians that followed Christ while he was on earth were former Herod-Edom-Jews that turned back to the God of Abraham and David by following God’s Son Jesus Christ. Common sense dictates that many of the Jews at the time of Christ were against His murder.

During the Easter Season (especially on Good Friday) Christians are obligated to reflect on the truth behind what truly happened during the event that changed the world and pray for the unbelievers that will forfeit the gift of ever lasting life afforded by the teachings of Jesus Christ.

The Good Friday Prayer For The Jews:

Let us pray also for the faithless Jews: that Almighty God may remove the veil from their hearts 2 Corinthians 3:13-16; so that they too may acknowledge Jesus Christ our Lord. Almighty and eternal God, who dost not exclude from thy mercy even Jewish faithlessness: hear our prayers, which we offer for the blindness of that people; that acknowledging the light of thy Truth, which is Christ, they may be delivered from their darkness. Through the same our Lord Jesus Christ, who liveth and reigneth with thee in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Charlie Sheen, “The Celebrity Apprentice”; “Dancing With The Stars”; “Celebrity Ghost Stories” . . .

March 4, 2011

. . . “Shatner’s Raw Nerve;” et al awaits your soon to be has-been status. Like Ahab taking his death ride on the Great White Whale, beckoning the fools of the Pequot to follow him to their demise — the TV shows that use cheap, egotistists (lusting for attention) has-been “celebs,” beacons for you to follow.

“Sorry Charley!” you blew it. You have mistaken luck and your father’s perverse, left-wing Hollywood connections for talent, a “tigers blood” and being “Adonis.” The narcotic has made you null and void. Your rantings on all those “exclusive” interviews are nothing but the cockadoodle of a stone junkie. Your nothing but the product of your father’s sick, nothing is out of bounds, liberal hedonism . . . the fruit doesn’t fall far from the tree. Hopefully, Martin Sheen will not end up mourning his son’s death by overdose like another sick, nothing is out-of-bounds, liberal hedonist . . . Carrol O’Connor. Carrol O’Connor changed his mind about drug use after his son Hugh killed himself. O’Connor went on TV “after” his lose to plead that parents aggressively put themselves between drugs and their children . . . Hmm! an admittance of the failure of liberalism if you ask me.

Chuck, you’re not quit in the drain pipe of show business, yet, but you are swirling in the filthy waters of the last ring just prior to entering the pipe. You’ve passed the rings of making a few movies and a comedy sitcom and are now in the swirl of scrimy, low paying TV programing. Fear not, yet, there is still some work for you. The Donald can use you on the Celebrity Apprentice. If the Donald will stoop as low as buying foreclosed cemeteries and using the head stones to make steps for one of his golf course projects . . . that greedy prick is surely capable of hiring you to appear on the Celebrity Apprentice. Moreover, if “Dancing With The Stars” will allow Mike Tyson to strut his stuff . . . you’re more than welcome to do a junkie’s jig.

Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas! . . . It’s Only The Second Day Of Twelve — Or Is It 16???

December 27, 2010

The Twelve Days of Christmas are the days from Christmas until the beginning of Epiphany (January 6th; the 12 days count from December 25Th until January 6Th). On the updated calendar — since Epiphany is celebrated on a Sunday — these days may be more or less. We have 16 days on the tree this year because the Christmas season extends until the feast of the Baptism of Christ and we have decided to include them all.

The origin of the Twelve Days is complicated, and is related to differences in calendars, church traditions, and ways to observe this holy day in various cultures. In the Western church, Epiphany is traditionally celebrated as the time the three Wise Men or Magi arrived to present gifts to the young Jesus. In some cultures Epiphany is observed as Three Kings Day, or simply the Day of the Kings. Even though December 25Th is celebrated as Christmas in these cultures, Epiphany is often the day for giving gifts. In some places it is traditional to give Christmas gifts for each of the Twelve Days of Christmas.


Pew Research Center Islamic Poll & “Welcome Lisa D!” I’m Honored To Have A Frenchwoman On This Site

December 7, 2010

I’m curious to know, what do you feel is the difference between being an Islam-ist and a Muslim?

I personally know no difference and as I stated in my post . . . Western Civilization needs to be very concerned, not only about violent muslims but also cultural islamic jihadists. Muslims/Islamists are not of Jesus Christ, they are of “The Greatest Liar,” “The Fallen One” — They are of the antiChrist — It is that simple.

Consider the following report from the Pew Research Center.

■Many Muslims see a struggle between those who want to modernize their country and Islamic fundamentalists. Only in Jordan and Egypt do majorities say there is no such struggle in their countries (72% and 61%, respectively).

■At least three-quarters of Muslims in Egypt and Pakistan say they would favor making each of the following the law in their countries: stoning people who commit adultery, whippings and cutting off of hands for crimes like theft and robbery and the death penalty for those who leave the Muslim religion. Majorities of Muslims in Jordan and Nigeria also favor these harsh punishments.

■Eight-in-ten Muslims in Pakistan say suicide bombing and other acts of violence against civilian targets in order to defend Islam from its enemies are never justified; majorities in Turkey (77%), Indonesia (69%) and Jordan (54%) share this view. Support for suicide bombing has declined considerably over the years. For example, while 74% of Muslims in Lebanon said these violent acts were at least sometimes justified in 2002, just 39% say that is the case now; double-digit declines have also occurred in Jordan, Pakistan, Nigeria and Indonesia.


“Black Friday” — The Reality Not The Myth

November 27, 2010


Black Friday derives its name from the fact that, because of the boost in sales experienced on the day, retailers are able for the first time in the year to move out of the red – that is, debt — and into the black, or profit.


The name (Black Friday) took hold in Philadelphia, in the 1970’s. The streets and sidewalks of the City of Brotherly Love became so packed with traffic and crowds on the day after Thanksgiving that the local police looked forward to that day with dread and gloom. The Philadelphia police coined the phrase, calling it Black Friday, in the same way ruined investors called the day of the 1929 stock market crash Black Tuesday.


Black Friday is the most lucrative shopping day of the year.


Black Friday is “not” the most lucrative shopping day of the year. . . It is usually not the second or third or even fourth most lucrative day – – – According to the International Council of Shopping Centers, the busiest shopping day of the year, year after year, is the last Saturday before Christmas, sometimes called “Procrastination Saturday.” The last two weekends before Christmas usually comprised the four busiest shopping days of the year.


Black Friday shoppers are merrily going from store to store, buying and checking their purchases off their Christmas lists.


Most people are not playing Santa on Black Friday. According to the ICSC, nearly 75 percent of the articles purchased on Black Friday are not for Christmas gift-giving but for personal or family use.

GO HERE for a fact packed article about Black Friday that includes a story of how the Fascist FDR was bribed into changing the date of the Thanksgiving Holiday to increase the number of shopping days between Thanksgiving and Christmas for merchants.

***Update 11/25/2010: “The Catholic-Church-Of-Christ Holidays” Begin!*** The Real First Thanksgiving: A Catholic Mass In 1565 Florida . . . And It Had Nothing To Do With Protesting Pilgrims Fleeing From Other Protesting Englishmen . . .

November 24, 2010


The Obligatory Turkey-Ham-Swiss-Midnight-Sandwich With Sausage Stuffing And Black Olives

I officially designate on this blog from Thanksgiving to the Feast of the Epiphany (January 6th): The Catholic-Church-Of-Christ Holidays.

Without Christ and His Church, there is no Western Civilization; there is no America. My very existence as a person, a part of a superior nation and part of a superior civilization will be rejoiced and celebrated by me on this blog . . . it all starts today with the Catholic First Thanksgiving . . . it grows in power, majesty and glory, every day until the very nascence of being and time is celebrated with the birth of Jesus The Christ and onward to the Feast of the Epiphany.

It’s all good in all it’s forms . . . the pictorial begins. Happy Catholic-Church-Of-Christ-Holidays.


.  . . the first Thanksgiving had to do with 1565 Florida, Catholic Spaniards and Native Americans.

Squanto was the Native American man who mediated between the Puritan Pilgrims and the Native Americans. Squanto had been enslaved by Protestant English but he was freed by Catholic Spanish Franciscans. Squanto was baptzed and became a Catholic Christian. So it was a baptized Catholic Native American who orchestrated what became known as Thanksgiving even in 1621.

Christ and the Holy Spirit leads us to the Father in our liturgical life of thanksgiving and praise.

“Because the loaf of bread is one, we, though many, are one body (Christ’s Church), for we all partake of the one loaf” One Corinthians 10:17 ‘

Don’t forget that in addition to PETITION, CONTRITION, and ADORATION, the fourth valid type of prayer is APPRECIATION (thanksgiving). The best way to express thanks is the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass whereby the Holy Eucharist is made present by the Priest on the altar. The Greek word for ‘giving thanks’ is the root word (eukaristein) eukaristein) for EUCHARIST. Although not a Holyday of obligation, Catholic Americans should go to Mass on Thanksgiving BEFORE indulging in food and football.


I’ve Said It For Years . . . “Liberals (Leftists) Are Mentally Ill And Wired Wrong.” . . . It Seems there Is Proof!

October 31, 2010

Before voting for any Democrat keep the following in mind about those that control this party lock stock and barrel.

“Like spoiled, angry children, they rebel against the normal responsibilities of adulthood and demand that a parental government meet their needs from cradle to grave.”

“Based on strikingly irrational beliefs and emotions, modern liberals relentlessly undermine the most important principles on which our freedoms were founded.”

the kind of liberalism being displayed by both Barack Obama and his Democratic primary opponent Hillary Clinton can only be understood as a psychological disorder.

“A social scientist who understands human nature will not dismiss the vital roles of free choice, voluntary cooperation and moral integrity – as liberals do,” he says. “A political leader who understands human nature will not ignore individual differences in talent, drive, personal appeal and work ethic, and then try to impose economic and social equality on the population – as liberals do. And a legislator who understands human nature will not create an environment of rules which over-regulates and over-taxes the nation’s citizens, corrupts their character and reduces them to wards of the state – as liberals do.”

Dr. Rossiter says the liberal agenda preys on weakness and feelings of inferiority in the population by:

creating and reinforcing perceptions of victimization;
satisfying infantile claims to entitlement, indulgence and compensation;
augmenting primitive feelings of envy;
rejecting the sovereignty of the individual, subordinating him to the will of the government.


A further break through concerning the diseased liberal mind:

“research suggests that some people have an inherent bias against conservative thinking, that is independent of their education or upbringing.

The effect is caused by a neurotransmitter in the brain called DRD4 which could be stimulated by the “novelty value” of left of centre opinions, say US researchers.”

In other words, being contrary for the sake of being contrary; being different simply for the sake of being different. Marx and Engle’s entire being was based on simply being deadly different . . . you’ve reaped what you have sowed America . . . Rightminded people, start Tuesday and push these mental deficient back into their padded rooms and never give them power. RUN TO THE POLLS; DON’T WALK!


(Part One) Let’s Take A Gander At Some Of The Things That The Man Who Fired Juan Williams Said . . .

October 21, 2010

George Soros said:

“I have always harboured an exaggerated view of my self-importance. To put it bluntly, I fancied myself as some kind of god or an economic reformer like Keynes, or, even better, like Einstein.”

furthermore he said:

“As I made my way in the world, reality came close enough to my fantasy to allow me to admit my secret, at least to myself. Needless to say, I feel much happier as a result.’” (Stephen Fay, “Profile: George Soros: God Of All He Surveys,” The Independent [London], 5/17/98)

One of the ways Soros made his way through the world was to collaborate with Nazis to turn over fellow Jews.

“He [Soros] admits to what Kaufman calls ‘messianic’ ideals: ‘I have had these illusions, or perhaps delusions, of grandeur and they have driven me.’ He has also said that his ‘goal is to become the conscience of the world.’” (Anthony Gottlieb, “Who Wants To Be A Billionaire?” The New York Times, 3/3/02)

“So That’s What I’m All About. I Am A Kind Of Nut Who Wants To Have An Impact.” (Michael T. Kaufman, Soros: The Life And Times Of A Messianic Billionaire, 2002, p. 293)

“Hijacking fully fueled airliners and using them as suicide bombs was an audacious idea, and its execution could not have been more spectacular.” (George Soros, “The Bubble Of American Supremacy,” The Atlantic Monthly, 12/03)

“An alternative U.S. foreign policy would differ from the present one in much more than being multilateral rather than unilateral. It would involve a radical reordering of our priorities. Instead of devoting the bulk of the budget to military expenditures to implement the Bush doctrine, we would engage in preventive actions of a constructive nature. This would require incomparably smaller budgetary expenditures, leaving room for greater domestic spending within a balanced budget. After all, it would be unacceptable to increase foreign aid without a comparable improvement in social benefits at home.” (George Soros, The Bubble Of American Supremacy, 2004, pp. 123-124)

In short, America, pull your shorts down, lubricate if you got it, bend over, hold your ankles, cut the defense budget and let China, Russia, Islamo-Fascists and any other nut job nation have it’s way with you.

“I’ve come to the conclusion,’ Soros told Fortune, ‘that one can do a lot more about the issues I care about by changing the government than by pushing the issues.” In short, he has become the world’s angriest billionaire.” Mark Gimein, “George Soros Is Mad As Hell,” Fortune, 10/27/03)

If you’re sitting on a plane waiting for all passengers to board, and these two Fascist get on . . . you wouldn’t be frightened?

I’m far from a Juan Williams fan, but no one deserves to be fired for speaking their mind, but Stalinists do what they do and ruthlessly purge their own. Juan had hurt and betrayal in his eyes . . . we need to work on him, maybe he’ll move right and realize conservatives are kinder more gentle fokes.